One of the most integral components of a successful anti-counterfeiting program is education - not only the consuming public.
We educate front-line customs personnel, various health and safety and regulatory bodies; and law enforcement personnel on the dangers posed by counterfeit products and the importance of stopping the trade in them. In an age of shrinking public sector budgets educating these personnel on how to quickly identify counterfeit product; and arming them with the necessary information to stream line the issues for them is critical to any successful seizure and/or enforcement.
One of the extremely valuable services provided by our firm, on a regular and ongoing basis, is the training sessions we conduct for various agencies of law enforcement and customs, usually at their request, throughout the year, covering numerous jurisdictions.
These sessions include: product identification for several dozen brand owners; information on shipping routes, point of entry contacts, case studies and incorporate both a lecture and trade show format concentrating on hands on practical training on how to proceed with a counterfeiting case.